Teddy Bear Puppies for sale - adoption in Minnesota
There are several names for the same cross/mix of Bichon/ShihTzu:
Shih Tzu & Bichon mix
Tzu Frise
Bichon & Shih Tzu

There are several names for the same cross/mix of Bichon/ShihTzu:
Shih Tzu & Bichon mix
Tzu Frise
Bichon & Shih Tzu
Questions is how you get answers to your puppy questions.
6721 320th Street West, Northfield, Minnesota 55057, United States
email is the BEST contact ARDYWEB.COM@GMAIL.COM Emails will be answered in 24 hrs or less or you may leave a voicemail or text. Due to the many tasks of raising & training our Shichon puppies we CANNOT always answer the phone. 612-760-1096
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ArdyWeb goal is to EMPOWER dog owners
with powerful dog training techniques
simply explain.
To teach our Shichon dog owners
how important NUTRITION is for your dog.
Help customers understand when to give
We offer puppies for sale or adoption in Minnesota.
We are in Dakota County.
30-45 minutes SOUTH of Minneapolis.
Teddy Bears are Great with CHILDREN & other PETS.
Small breed puppies are for sale or adoption.
Shichon puppies will fill your hearts with love.
We share GENTLE dog training methods to keep your hound safe.
Bichon & Shih Tzu are non-shedding and playful &
also make awesome lap dogs.
The HEALTH of my dogs & their offspring is very important to me.
• good nutrition...not just dry dog food
• exercise keeps them happy & in shape
• sunlight is where they can get vitamin D
• filtered water to help remove toxins
• heating and air conditioning for our dogs
• Give love and playtime creates happy healthy designer puppies
• breeding Friendly hypoallergic BREEDS
that are not territorial
• Provide Education and easy training tips for dog owners
It is WHY we have less than 1% dog HEALTH ISSUES.
We do not have issues with worms, heartworms, ticks, mites or ear mites.
A healthy immune system is KEY, parasites pray on weak immune systems.
We teach you how to keep your Minnesota raised puppy healthy into adulthood & beyond.
We want to sell our Shih Tzu mix puppies because we are great at it
not because your dog died too early due to
over vaccinating
or had an accident, that could have been prevented.
The same size vaccination is given to ALL dogs no matter the weight,
this can cause all kinds of health issues.
***READ Dr. Martin Goldstein DVM books to learn more about it.
I attend dog breeding seminars,
read educational books to learn how to add value to you & the dogs,
purchase online classes about breeding better dogs,
and have chosen mentors,
that are knowledgeable in their fields,
(dog breeders, veterinarians, dog show judges)
to become the BEST dog breeder possible.
The Bichon mix puppies are handled daily
and exposed to new sights and sounds.
Socialization is important.
Our unique dog training methods make the transition
from our home in Minnesota to yours
easier for the puppy and you.
Ask dog breeders,
if they individually kennel each puppy...
the answer will be NO.
It takes a lot more work to do what we do.
If a dog has 4-8 puppies, we clean 5-9 kennels.
Not just 1 like most dog breeders do.
Our small non-shed puppies
have gone through
the process of being KENNELED
by themselves.
Most dog breeders just take the puppy,
from its mother and littermates then give the puppy to you.
That creates fear and crying into the night.
Go ahead and make noise
around my puppies!
LOUD SOUNDS will not faze them one bit.
We have taken the time to condition
and train them to not fear
We have taken the extra time to condition
each hypo-allergenic puppy
so they can become emotional support or therapy dogs.
Our non-shed puppies provide an endless supply of love.
They are easy to connect with
and form a bond that lasts a lifetime.
We chose to raise dogs in Minnesota that are
These designer puppies do not need walks
but they are ready to go for walks
or runs if you like.
Bichon, Shih Tzu, purebred
& mixes of these 2 breeds
fits the profile of the qualities
we wanted to offer for sale to the public.
They will show you that they care about you.
The puppy will keep track of you. They are shadow dogs.
Our Zuchon puppies understand
the word NO
WHY because we take the time
to teach our hypoallergenic,
non-shed fur balls each day.
Training is easy with the gentle methods
we teach in the eBook for
your Shih Tzu, Bichon cross puppy.
Teddy Bears puppies love to play.
Our focus on raising teddy bears puppies,
and train each puppy to have GOOD HABITS.
NIPPING, BULLYING is not allowed.
Watch the CALM DOWN technique video.
works every time to correct poor dog behavior.
It is a joy to own a teddy puppy
if you have the right information
& apply the knowledge.
There is nothing better than
your fur buddy waiting for your return.
The overjoyed puppy dance
when returning from the mailbox
will make anyone feel good
no matter how tough the world has been.
The smile it puts on your face
and feeling of unconditional love
is outstanding. I love the dog greetings.
But owning something that can destroy your property
or becomes something that you didn’t bargain for
can be an awful experience.
That is why I do everything
in my power to start you off
in the right direction.
The Grate crate method
starts the puppy out
with good habits.
click HERE to watch the video!
Training is easier,
than to trying to break
bad habits. It is why I wrote the eBook,
made the dog training videos,
wrote the dog articles and more.
I want my customers to have success.
I won't leave you in the dark
trying to figure out what works best!
There is a lot of false information
on the internet about certain breeds
are hard to housebreak.
The key is knowing
HOW to Housebreak.
This is one of the many things we teach you
through our eBook, training videos & podcasts.
Whose advice should you follow?
Your broke neighbor
or your rich neighbor?
...your successful dog breeder
or your friend with a dog that has bad habits.
Most of my customers have the house breaking task
completed in 3 weeks, some had it done in 3 days
and a few of my customers never get the job done
due to not following through. Till the puppy knows
the RULES - no unsupervised freedom!!!
You need to be able to catch & correct
or BAD Habits will develop.
House breaking is
not rocket science,
it is just following directions.
No unsupervised freedom till the puppy
knows ALL the rules and follows them.
This quote is a great reminder of how important diet is...
The food you eat can either be the safest &
most powerful form of medicine
OR the slowest form of poison.
-Ann Wigmore
6721 320th Street West, Northfield, Minnesota 55057, United States
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