Puppy pads (wee-wee pads, training pads) cost 30-65 cents per pad-at the time of this article.
Your puppy can tear them up, track their waste on your floors and it is an ongoing expense.
The Grate/Crate method protects your floors, diarrhea falls through the grate and cannot be tracked throughout your home.
The puppy cannot play on the newspaper covered by the grate keeping your home clean.
The grate crate with wheels can be rolled easily from room to room without hurting your back, pinching your fingers, or spilling waste. The cost is one time for the grate/crate of $150 at the time of this article.
The Math is simple.
3 puppy pads per day costs about $1.
The basic kennel package is $150/$1 = paid for itself in 150 days.
The Grate/Crate will save you money, keep your home clean and the puppy cannot use the grate as a toy and tear it up. If you don't have newspapers, ask family, friends, neighbors, businesses or purchase the Sunday Paper. It will cost less than puppy pads.